On the European level, national youth programmes under the umbrella of the World Energy Council are connected with each other. Driven by the general mission of the World Energy Council „to promote a sustainable supply and use of energy for the greatest benefit of all“ the European Future Energy Leaders cooperate and exchange in verious projects and events.
Tips & Tricks: Organising a FEL network in your country
From Youth to Youth. In a webinar organized by the Future Energy Leaders, representatives from different national youth programmes reported from their activities. The World Energy Council currently has FEL networks in the following countries: Armenia (NEW), Austria, Germany, Finland, France, Hungary, The Netherlands, Latvia (NEW), Lebanon, Nigeria, Panama, Portugal, Romania, Russia, and the UAE.
With the Green Deal the EU wants to become the world’s first carbon neutral continent. In 2020, renewables generated more electricity than fossil fuels for the first time. Are market designs across Europe set up to enable the required expansion of renewable capacity? How do renewable subsidy schemes differ? And how can PPAs support meeting the EU climate target? These questions were addressed in our last event by the European Future Energy Leaders.
Europe’s energy intensive industries -cement, steel, glass and chemicals -are responsible for around 16% of EU emissions, and 60% of all EU industrial emissions. To achieve the EU’s target to get climate neutral by 2050 energy intensive sectors play a central role in decarbonization. Together with leaders of the heavy industry participants discussed how net-zero can be achieved in hard to abate sectors
The Long-term Impact of Covid-19 on the Energy Sector
Will the pandemic be a historic turning point that will ultimately bring the breakthrough of sustainable energy sources or will hard hit economies and the dramatic price drop offossil fuels delay the energy transition? To discuss the long-term impact of COVID-19 on the energy sector, more than 70 participants from national FEL/YEP initiatives and the FEL-100 programme met in their secondvirtual workshop to exchange views on challenges, but also on opportunities that the current crisis brings with it.
If you would like to learn more about the Youth Programmes in a European Member Committee of the World Energy Council or in another region, please contact the Member Committee or the Youth representatives directly. For Germany please contact yep@weltenergierat.de
Future Energy Leaders
The World Energy Council supports and promotes energy leaders of the future through our Future Energy Leaders platform (FEL-100). The FEL-100 programme is one of the key ways that the World Energy Council helps build capabilities to accelerate successful energy transition.
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